• Podcasts

    Chatting with people about interesting technology


    I've not been very good at keeping this page up to date but maybe one day I'll find the time to add some more recent items...

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    April 2021

    "Queen of the Geeks" - Mark Coleman and Vincent Batts talk to Liz Rice, Chief Open Source Officer at Isovalent

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    DevOps and Docker Talk

    May 2020

    Liz Rice of Aqua Security joins Bret Fisher to talk about container CVE scanning, the KubeSec conference, and more.

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    February 2019

    Kubernetes Security

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    December 2018

    Distilling the day’s critical cyber security news into a concise daily podcast. Episode 743's guest is Liz Rice from Aqua Security on the notion of security teams “shifting left.

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    September 2018

    Liz Rice from Aqua Security builds penetration testing tools for Kubernetes by day, and runs the KubeCon program by night. Adam and Craig dig into both topics.

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    May 2018

    John Furrier sits down with Liz Rice from Aqua Security & Janet Kuo from Google at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2018 in Copenhagen, Denmark

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    May 2018

    Security in Kubernetes — A Look at Different Projects with Justin Cappos & Liz Rice


    Host: Alex Williams

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    April 2018

    We chat all things application security, the state of the industry, problems application developers face and some things you can do to help build a more secure workflow.


    Anubhav Mishra, Nic Jackson - Developer Advocates, HashiCorp

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    April 2018

    Aaron Delp and Tyler Britten talk with Liz Rice (@lizrice, Technology Evangelist @AquaSecTeam) about what's easy—and what's not—about finding and patching security vulnerabilities in containers. This is a cross-over show with @PodCTL podcast.

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    September 2017

    Liz Rice joined the show to talk about containers, cloud security, making complex concepts easier to understand, and other interesting Go projects and news.


    Hosts: Erik St. Martin, Carlisia Pinto, Brian Ketelsen