Liz Rice
eBPF, containers, Kubernetes & security
I love making, understanding & explaining code
My background and core competence is systems software engineering, but I love the whole process of building products. I've been in startups that have succeeded and others that have failed. I enjoy writing code, and understanding how other people will use it.
I'm Chief Open Source Officer with eBPF pioneers Isovalent (now part of Cisco!) and creators of the Cilium project, which provides cloud native networking, observability and security. I'm a member of the CNCF's Governing Board, and also on the board of Open UK. I was chair of the CNCF's Technical Oversight Committee 2019-2022, and I co-chaired the KubeCon / CloudNativeCon 2018 events in Copenhagen, Shanghai and Seattle.
Learning eBPF and Container Security books
I’ve now written two books published by O’Reilly: Container Security: Fundamental Technology Concepts that Protect Containerized Applications, and Learning eBPF: Programming the Linux Kernel for Enhanced Observability, Networking and Security.
Support independent bookstores by buying your copy from Bookshop.org! Or find my author page on Amazon here.
Where I get over my British reserve and admit that I'm pretty good at these
Containers, Kubernetes and security
I've been working with containers for several years. I'm a fan of Kubernetes and, eBPF, and I've learned a thing or two about the security aspects of using containers and distributed systems.
Live coding on stage
Apparently this is a special skill. This talk, where I explain what a container is in a few lines of go, has been well-received, or you might want to watch me build a debugger from scratch.
Software engineering
I spent the first, well, many years of my professional life writing and architecting portable network stack implementations in C. Go is really my language of choice these days, and I'm good enough at it that I'm a Google Developer Expert in Go. Check out my GitHub profile for more.
As well as my own Medium posts, I've written for numerous sites and magazines such as Increment and The New Stack. I'm also an O'Reilly author - check out my books on Container Security, What is eBPF, Kubernetes Security (co-authored with Michael Hausenblas), or my guide to Containerizing your Go Code, and my latest book Learning eBPF.
I've been honoured to give keynotes and presentations at tech conferences around the world. My black belt talk on container namespaces won me a speaker award at DockerCon, and my dotGo talk on debuggers was the second most highly rated talk at dotConferences in 2017.
A few highlights from writing and videos I've done recently