Books & Projects
A few things I've been working on recently
An introduction to eBPF and how it's enabling a new generation of tooling for networking, security and observability
If you want to understand how to secure containers, I believe you need to know how they work.
Kubernetes Security
How to build and operate applications securely on Kubernetes. Co-authored with Michael Hausenblas
Microscaling Systems
Building technology for containers including real-time scaling and MicroBadger, the tool for inspecting container metadata.
Innovation workshops
A few times a year I worked with Maggie Philbin's TeenTech delivering workshops where teenagers innovate devices, apps and games. It's inspiring to see their incredible ideas!
Adventures with Alexa
A side project I worked on for a while is a book on developing voice apps for Amazon Apps. I'll be honest, this is not something I am spending any time on at the moment but you can still find it here